Am I really a radical? Person(s) very close to me have
described me as such in late night conversations with friends. You decide and
let me know why these calmly reasoned opinions and recommendations should be
classified as radical:
Let Greece Go Broke. Yes, let Greece drop out of the
Euro zone, for a while at least – there is really no other way to devalue Greek
products and services, such as they are, so that they become competitive again.
And have Greece step away from their debt burden, much the way Argentina and
other countries did a few years ago; most of the damage will have to be
absorbed by the banks that had flooded Greece with unsupportable loans. And
give the country time to build a modern financial and tax system.
Turkey Not Ready for the EU. I much admire Turkey and
the Turks, but not their basically undemocratic government. The country lacks
the democratic constitutional, judicial and rights institutions that the EU
must expect and demand of any new member. When the country accepts
responsibility for the Armenian massacres of the early 20th century,
when the press and opinion expression are free and the judicial system become
independent of politics, then Turkey will be welcome to join the EU. Note: More
journalists are imprisoned in Turkey in 2012 than in any other country- 49.
Get Out of Afghanistan Now. America, European NATO
allies and especially Germany should withdraw all military forces immediately.
International support of this country should be focused on non-military tasks
such as education, economic development and infrastructure. Yes, the Taliban
may well become the governing majority of the country, in which case even
non-military support may not be asked for by Afghanistan. This land may need a
very long time to develop political, cultural and economic structures it finds
suitable; we should be prepared that Afghanistan approaches may not be
reflecting any Western models. It’s really up to the Afghans to determine how
they want to organize their community.
Disarm America. Yes, now this is radical: take the
Second Amendment out of the constitution. Allow arms only to the extend
European countries do. 300 million plus Americans do not need 300 million plus
firearms. I know where American public opinion weighs in on this issue. And I
am terribly disappointed that President Obama refuses to take a strong stand,
merely regretting that machine guns are still being sold. Oh, he is “skeptical”
about the National Rifle Association’s proposal to arm teachers and students
and all others in schools to “protect”. No, it’s an insane idea and the
President should say to say so. Loudly and clearly.
Control The Banks. The influence of the financial
sector over politics is reaching unacceptable strength, in the US as well as in
Europe. Banks must be forced to separate, again, their investment banking
branches from their financial services units. And they must be allowed to fail.
No banks should be too large to fail. Tax money must not be used to rescue
Free Cuba! America must end its obscene and pathetic
policy against this tiny, harmless and helpless Caribbean island. Fifty years
after its failed invasion of Cuba, the US seriously cannot believe that there
is any danger whatsoever lurking in this powerless and impoverished island
nation. And while Obama is at it ending the stupid embargo, he should also
close down Guantanamo; send the “prisoners” back to where they came from.
Object to Israel Policies. Somebody stand up against
the self-destructive policies Israel is pursuing, especially the illegal
settlement buildup in occupied
territories. I admire Jews and their homeland very much and demand of Arab
neighbors guarantees of its right to exist, of course. But America’s failure to
respond to the country’s policies – like withdrawing all financial aid –
severely damages the outlook for a peaceful Israeli future. By the Wiesenthal
Center I should now be considered an anti-Semite: the Center just designated
the respected journalist Augstein – because he criticized the state of Israel
for its policies; see above.